The desire to be parents is very common that many couples in different parts of the world want to achieve, however, there are those who usually have problems to get it.
The 17% of Mexican population in reproductive age, suffer or will suffer, some kind of infertility problems- INEGI
Esteem that more of 15% of women in reproductive age suffer infertility. – OMS
Calculates that 17% of women in reproductive age in our country, suffer infertility. – CONAPO
The causes that cause infertility, in men, women, or both, may be due to multiple situations of life, but there are facts that provoke the risk of suffer it.
> You may be interested in reading our entering about common causes of infertility.
True facts of health, besides of having an inadequate life style, increase the risk of having infertility problems.
Taking into account these factors will help you to have a better planning of your pregnancy, it is also important to go with the medical specialists to detect the causes that prevent having a child, and to start a fertility treatment.
You can go to Advanced Fertility Center Cancun, if you are worried because both your partner and you have problems to have a baby, in our clinic you can receive a fertility treatment in Cancun.
There are several techniques for the management of infertility, you can know some in our section treatments.