The assisted reproduction aim is to get better the probability of pregnancy in a couple that after months of trying it has presented problems of fertility.
This service is known to the technique and knowledge that medical specialists realise to facilitate a pregnancy. It depends on the situation that you are with your couple, it will be the treatment that you should carry out.
> Get to know our treatments of assisted reproduction
Assisted reproduction has the purpose of making a couple to get pregnant, to bring a child to the world; but it can’t totally design the conception, choose the gender of the baby it’s a possibility.
There is no evidence that affirms that assisted reproduction generates premature births; just in case that is multiple pregnancy exists majority of probabilities. It can happen in kids that are born in natural way but you must consider the facts that can provoke a birth before time.
If the women health can handle a pregnancy, childbirth or caesarean section, can realize these techniques after menopause.. Also if the woman has vitrified their ovules before you presented problems of aging; it can implant its owns and conceive a healthy baby or resort to a donor.
This could be a fear for couples; but through preimplantation genetic diagnosis, it is easier and faster to detect any anomaly that could exist in embryos, which after an analysis only healthy embryos can be transferred to the uterus to ensure that the baby is born healthy.
Go to a specialized clinic that can help you identify the causes of infertility that you present with your partner and can indicate the most appropriate treatment for you.
In Advanced Fertility Center Cancun, we have this service. We carried out a series of methods that give couples the opportunity to have a child of their own, and we put at your disposal the team and professionals to make your dreams come true.