Are genetic studies for parents and children important? Why is it recommended to undergo them before and during assisted reproduction procedures? Below, we want to share a bit of information about some genetic studies, both for parents and babies.
Genetic study for parents. The “Carrier” or genetic compatibility test is performed on couples wishing to achieve pregnancy. This is to identify whether one or both parents are carriers of any genetic disease that could be transmitted to the baby.
It is a comprehensive and necessary study that allows determining if a baby without a genetic disease can be viable.
In case of incompatibility, patients may be recommended to use eggs or sperm from donors.
We invite you to read our blog post: “What is the Carrier Study?” We believe it could be a topic of interest to you.
Genetic study for children. When we refer to this genetic study, we are talking about PGS or Prenatal Genetic Screening in English. This is carried out during the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment, where the chromosomes of an embryo are analyzed before it is transferred into the patient’s uterus.
This allows the identification of any chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, which can lead to different types of syndromes in babies. Additionally, this study allows determining the gender of the embryo, whether it will be a boy or a girl.
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Genetic studies for parents and children