When you become a mother or father, your baby becomes your most important priority. You probably wish that he/she has a great development during their first months and years of life, that’s why we would like to share some tips to help you. Now we are going to share some benefits of breast milk for babies.
This is produced in the mammary glands, and if you breastfeed your baby regularly, you will be able to produce more milk. Remember that the stomach of the newborns is very small, that is why they need to be fed a couple times a day.
How should you breastfeed?
Having the correct posture while breastfeeding your baby, this can make the experience something special and comfortable.
If the baby isn’t placed in the right position, it can cause discomforts, pain or swelling in the nipples.
The most important thing is to find a comfortable place where you can sit and rest your back.
Now with your baby, place his/her head in the fold of your arm so that he/her can place the head.
The baby’s chin has touched the boob and his/her mouth must be open enough so that the areola is as inside as possible. Also you must be sure that you aren’t obstructing the baby’s breath.
Now that we have shared some info about the benefits of breast milk for babies. What other benefits do you know? You can share your experience in the comments.
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